Join us for an unforgettable Tango Weekend with the talented maestros  Loukas Balokas & Georgia Priskou from Athens, Greece. Together with them we have set up 6 workshops that can be taken on their own, but also provide a theme for the day that will be built upon. For the most value, follow all workshops of that day!

Saturday workshops:
 1.1. [int] Spicing up walking – Elevating walking technique.
 1.2. [int] Vals o’ clock – Mastering vals cadenas and vaivenes.
 1.3. [adv] Dynamics of close embrace – Shaping space with elasticity.

Sunday workshops:
 2.1. [int] Ochos and crosses – Technique and problem-solving.
 2.2. [adv] Turning in common axis – Simplifying colgadas.
 2.3. [adv] Colgadas – Structural analysis and practice.

Workshop registration here

Dinner options:
On Saturday we have arranged the possibility to have dinner at our venue (downstairs) in collaboration with FAB28. Dinner participation requires registration and a 10€  upfront payment for participation confirmation.

On Sunday, whether you are participating in the workshops or not, you are welcome to join us for a Potluck dinner after the last workshops. A potluck dinner consists in everyone bringing something to share, and we all know that nothing bonds more than sharing food after a day of hard work!

Event Schedule:

Saturday, 6th of July:
15:00 – 16:15: Workshop 1.1
16:30 – 17:45: Workshop 1.2
18:00 – 19:15: Workshop 1.3
19:15 – 20:00: Dinner at FAB28 (only for workshop participants)
20:00 – 01:00: Milonga with DJ Georgia Rapti + Show by Loukas Balokas & Georgia Priskou

Sunday, 7th of July:
15:00 – 16:15: Workshop 2.1
16:30 – 17:45: Workshop 2.2
18:00 – 19:15: Workshop 2.3
19:15 – 22:00: Practica with Potluck Dinner

Workshop deals (Milonga is optional):
1 Workshops: €20.00/workshop + Milonga = €35.00 total + free Sunday practica
2 Workshops: €19.00/workshop + Milonga = €50.00 total  + free Sunday
3 Workshops: €18.00/workshop + Milonga = €65.00 total  + free Sunday
4 Workshops: €17.00/workshop + Milonga = €80.00 total  + free Sunday
5 Workshops: €16.00/workshop + Milonga = €90.00 total + free Sunday practica
6 Workshops: €15.00/workshop + Milonga = €95.00 total + free Sunday practica

Prices without workshops (per person):
– Saturday Night Milonga + Show with DJ Georgia Rapti: €15.00
– Saturday Dinner at FAB28: €10.00
– Sunday Practica: €5.00 (free for workshop participants)

Reserve your Saturday meal at FAB28 by sending €10.00 to:
IBAN: NL07 RABO 0181 653 672
Name: V.C. van ‘t Laar
Description: Ventarron Dinner + “your Name & Surname”

How to find us:
📍 Location: Tipo Tango – Kardinaal de Jongweg 75, 5645 EN Eindhoven
📞 For registration and inquiries, please contact:

Note: Limited workshop spots available, so make sure to secure your place in advance!

The Ventarrón Events are organized by Vincent & Stefania and hosted by Tipo Tango – Argentine Tango in Eindhoven.