Promoting Argentine Tango

Join TipoTango’s new PR activities on demand? Nice!

PR tango team dances at Maastricht Centre Céramique with the Accordion Orchestra Swentibold, filmed by Paul Ummels

To raise awareness of Argentine Tango, Tipo Tango created a PR team of tango dancers years ago.

We danced at performances by tango orchestras (in Muziekgebouw, Parktheater, Rozenknopje, or elsewhere), at events such as the Feel Good Market at Strijp S, and during the National Tango Day in the center of Eindhoven, where we surprised shoppers with our dances. To sample the atmosphere, you can see some photos here:
Happy Holidays FestivalFiesta 20 OctoberParktheaterTango raid at the railway station, Park dance De Jaguar with, a.o. Oblivion played by Gerard van Duinen >>

If you would also like to promote Argentine Tango and occasionally dance with us at events, please submit your name using this form. We will send you a message when we have an event coming up where we need tango dancers!

It is not required to be an advanced tango dancer or have a dance partner. Enthusiasm for tango is the main requirement.

Interested? Fill in the form or give your name to one of Tipo Tango’s volunteers or your tango teacher. Or send an e-mail.