Female Leaders Club
Among many female followers who visit our salons, there appears to be a need, preferably informally, to learn how to lead. The motives for this vary widely:
- To learn to dance better by also understanding the leadership role
- Getting acquainted with the leader’s role to understand the leader better, feel the leader better, and increase respect for that leader
- By dancing both roles, be on the dance floor more often regardless of the presence of leaders
Tentative attempts have been made by some followers during the weekly practice evening but for the true beginner, this evening is not really the appropriate time. There is a need for a time and opportunity to practice without embarrassment and interference. To meet this need, we have created the “Female Leaders Club”. This is open only to female followers who are interested in the leadership role, regardless of level. Both followers, who cannot yet lead but would like to learn, and highly experienced female leaders are welcome. We learn with each other from each other! You do not have to become a member of the Female Leaders Club, there is no membership fee. Our meetings will be without obligation. You come when you want and when you can, the only requirement is an interest in the role of leader in any way and for any reason. We will also regularly invite experienced leaders (male or female) to guide us.
The kick-off will be on Friday 17 May 2024 at 7 pm. We surrender to the guidance of Francis Mbila until 20:15. Francis is going to start with some techniques; how to prepare yourself to lead and how to apply this to running and other figures. Here he will use the Giro. He will have us dance in couples where we will constantly change roles and partners. Francis stresses that it is important to wear comfortable shoes. Participation is individual and registration is not necessary. Try to arrive on time, full is full.
If you are unable to attend that evening but are interested, please contact Ria Gelens (0641217294) or Carla van Lieshout (0644756529), by e-mail: femaleleadersclub@tipotango.nl so we can include you in the app group to keep you up to date.