Friday night workshop Technique for Followers by Inga

Inga Pawlicka is from Poland and we have had the pleasure of meeting her before as a DJ at one of our Ventarrón Milongas. Once again, Inga is visiting the Netherlands and is coming especially to Scala at Tipo Tango to give a technique workshop for followers with the subject Adornos & social dancing. In this workshop she will not only pay attention to adornos themselves but will also elaborate on the “how, when and where” to apply those embellishments.

Together with her, we will explore different ways to incorporate embellishments into our dance and discuss effective communication with our partner to ensure they are not caught off guard. Practice will make our embellishments beautiful, fluid, and seamlessly integrated into the dance.

The workshop will start at 7pm and continue until 8.15pm. All followers are welcome, both female and male. Participation is individual.
Price per person is 10 euros

If you haven’t seen Inga dancing at our Ventarrón Milonga and are curious, there are a number of demonstrations on youtube: